Intelligent Plant by Shanghai Pusiluo Landscape Design Studio
Xintiandi Shikumen Block at the Intersection of Starbucks
As renters on the blue planet, we mostly take it for granted that we own the place, ignoring our less visible neighbors who moved in earlier. Therefore, creating an opportunity for equal dialogue and sensing the intelligence of plants became the entry point of our design.
We extracted the morphology and growth mode of some plant organs and abstracted them to get the lower leaflet growing in clusters and the upper flower blooming competitively. Analyze and simulate the external expression and underlying logic of plant intelligence, add mechanical and interactive devices, give people different ways of behavior with different feedback, and enrich sensory experience. When there is a certain distance between the person and the device, the flowers can be seen slowly opening and closing, like breathing, gentle and full of rhythm; When the person gets closer, the sensor triggers, and the tip of the blade expands and curls, like communicating through sign language.
In such a strange space, people can intuitively talk with the "plant" and get a different experience.