Fun in the woods by MBRS
"Fun in the woods" is a group of urban public interactive installations. The 'woods' composed of 'branches' and 'leaves' provides people with a rich and variable spatial interaction experience, and at the same time adds some relaxed and pleasant atmosphere to this area. In the city, the natural environment represented by the "woods" is not only the companion of the historical years, but also the symbol of the new vitality in the future. Put it in this bustling place, as time goes by, people come and go, It will slow people down; it will promote mutual communication between people; it will record people's happiness; it will bring 'green' to this area; it will change the fixed impression of this place...This is a small part of our life, a small part of the environment, and a small part of the city, connecting the relationship between people, nature and the city. It is our 'precious fragment of life', and a little fun in the city...